Lori Conway Ray
~ Screenwriter/Author/Minister/Coach ~

Copa: Where are you from?
Lori: I'm from the beautiful city of Charlotte, North Carolina. Copa: Which schools have you attended?
Copa: At what time did you discover that you were good at communicating with people and understanding their situations?
Lori: I realized I liked communicating with others when friends and family trusted me enough to petition my advice and share their personal information in confidence. As well, people seem to be drawn to me as I provided a safe place and no judgment zone. |
Copa: Has motivational speaking always been natural for you? If so, why?
Lori: I wouldn’t say it was natural, but it was necessary. I realized there were people that were stuck in life and just needed a word of encouragement to get them off the sidelines and back in the game. I feel if someone leaves my presence and their life hasn’t changed for the better, I have work to do. I still get butterflies when I speak, teach and preach. I rely on the Spirit of God to get me through. |
Copa: Many say that great speakers are usually good writers, what's your opinion on that?
Lori: For me, speaking and writing are two different arts. I believe writers have big imaginations and they grow as they organize their thoughts and put pen to paper. Speakers have the confidence to articulate in public what they write about in private. |
Copa: We understand that you have 2 amazing film projects in the works, would you be able to share a little with us?
Lori: My film debut will come to fruition October 9, 2021 on BETher. The “Party” is a BET Health Initiative that I co-wrote with Dr. Missy Johnson. My first full length film “Trophy Wife” is currently in pre-production.
Lori: My film debut will come to fruition October 9, 2021 on BETher. The “Party” is a BET Health Initiative that I co-wrote with Dr. Missy Johnson. My first full length film “Trophy Wife” is currently in pre-production.
Copa: What does the future hold for Lori Conway Ray in her complex world of books, films, and speaking?
Lori: I’m excited about what God has in store for me. I’m working on a children’s book, new screenplays, and TV pilots. I’m also developing a motivation workshop. I aspire to become a TED Talk speaker and to preach the gospel around the world.
Lori: I’m excited about what God has in store for me. I’m working on a children’s book, new screenplays, and TV pilots. I’m also developing a motivation workshop. I aspire to become a TED Talk speaker and to preach the gospel around the world.
I would like to send out a special thanks to my mentor, Pastor Rodney Middleton of Harvest International Church, Baltimore, MD. He has been extremely responsible for helping me get my first book, "SHINEspiration" published.