Interview Questions
1. Where are you from?
Washington, D.C.
2. Which schools attended?
Charles Young Elm.
Brown Jr. High
Margaret Washington
Strayer University
Prince George's Community College
3. How would you describe community and dedication?
Years ago we would not allow anyone to be put out of their homes, we did all we could to help each other if someone was in distress, to me that is what community is, watching out for your neighbor and friends, today everyone has his or her own little island that they live on and very few even know their neighbors, our children are especially vulnerable because they see how grownups act and they duplicate what they see, we must lead by example, we must get back to caring for each other. Community and dedication means that, caring and being there for one another. I became obsessed with helping those who needed me, with a special emphasis on seniors and children.
4. How did you develop such a drive to succeed and commitment to help others?
I realized at an early age, if it is to be, that it was up to me. As a survivor of domestic abuse, when God allowed me to live, there was nowhere to go but UP, so I dusted off my shoes and began walking, running and leaping to opportunities that came before me, and yes, we all have them lurking in our midst, some are disguised as problems, those are the ones I like best, I had three wonderful sons to raise and I could not just sit around and do nothing. During that time God blessed me with a wonderful man who ended up being my soul mate and life partner, we have been married 47 years now. I was given many opportunities and I took them, some were challenging others I challenged….. The drive came from my wanting to succeed, the will power to do came with much prayer and my personal relationship with God. Through prayer and perseverance I developed an enormous amount of strength to overcome any challenge that came before me. I also realized that god has put us all here for a purpose, and we are not here for ourselves, we are here for someone else and once you know that you are able to accomplish anything.
5. What projects are you currently working on?
I am in the process of developing a Foundation to help Seniors and Children, there is a great need for this, currently I work with many seniors and during my time on the Licensing and Regulatory Boards for the State of Maryland I developed a program to go out to Asst. Living homes and teach the residents about doctor patient care, I noticed many things that I felt needed to be in place and now that I have my mother and some other mommies that I care about living in these facilities I see there is a need for oversight in some of them, not all mind you just some. Our children also need extra care, they are our future, if we train them properly now and teach them to care for each other and to help each other bullying will cease and we will grow up a better society of young people, I often tell parents they watch what we do, not what we say.
6. How would you define your personal style of fashion?
My personal style of fashion is chic and sophisticated, less is more and enough, through my years of modeling and doing fashion shows it helped me realize how important your appearance is in your professional life. I grew up with a mother as a single parent, I have three sisters and a brother, my mother never had a lot of money, but somehow she managed to always look great and kept us in nice cloths, she taught me how to shop smart, that quality was the key to dressing well.
My mother always put emphasis on quality, and that one good stylish garment purchased in good taste would last a lifetime, that fads come and go, but style would be there forever. She said also that, how you dress and present yourself says something about how you will work, not all will agree, but I have found this to be true for me.
7. What is your opinion of how others present themselves in business and fashion?
I have found, to each is own, it depends on the type of work you do which will direct the dress and the fashion, if you are in an office setting, there is a style that must be represented, if you are in show business there is another style, so I feel each person must find the style that can best suit them and remember where you are when choosing your style. I remember I was doing a seminar for career women, one young lady said, she was upset because her employer never took her on conference as he did some others in her office, I asked her did she know why, she stated no she did not, she had come to the class in a pair of jeans and flip flops and began to explain, when we are in an environment that calls for a certain dress code, that maybe we need to rethink how we are dressed and if you want to succeed in yourworkplace that is the first place to start and the next is to learn all you can about your job and always go above and beyond the call. I am often embarrassed at how our young people look in public and some wonder why they can't get jobs.
I believe women should look like women and men should look like men, sometimes you can't tell the players without a score card.
8. What does the future hold for the
Hon. Dr. Cassandra Casey Lewis?
I wake up every morning with a song in my heart
God is so good, if things look dim the night before hold on, anew day is coming, Jesus died so that we might have life, some people take that for granted, Jesus death gave us an abundant life, not living it means He died in vain, I refuse to dishonor Him that way, so the future is what I make of it, He has said that I can do ALL things through HIM who has given me the strength and I STAY FIT, ENCOURAGED AND THANKFUL, for this life HE has given to me, a great husband, 3 plus one handsome sons, 4 great daughter-in-laws who are like my very own, 14 grand's, 7 great grand's, an awesome family and many friends, at 70 I feel 50, and all I can say is look out world, here I come ready or not, there is so much life to live and as long as God gives me the breath, with HIM I can do the rest. I am in the process of authoring several books….coming to a store near you…THE BEST IS YET TO COME……..
While teaching a leadership class, one lady ask me "If I could change one thing in my life, what would it be"
I had to stop for a moment, I wanted to be certain the answer I give her would be Understood, I explained to her NOTHING, she looked at me and repeated nothing, she stated, everyone would change something, I said not everyone, I told her I would not, because, everything that has happened in my life has taught me something, without the pain, I would not have the capacity to love and have compassion for others as I do, without the struggles, I would not know how to survive and know how to hear Gods voice when He tells me to turn here or go there, without the hurts, I would not be able to let others know that, this too shall pass and life does get better if you just keep getting up, so you see, all I have gone through has made me the person I am today and I like me and pray you will feel the same way….she smiled and said THANK YOU, that tells me a lot…….
And last but certainly not least, my fun time consist of reading, golfing, riding motorcycles, tried skydiving once, love it broke a leg, never went back again…hello, golf is my passion……
1. Where are you from?
Washington, D.C.
2. Which schools attended?
Charles Young Elm.
Brown Jr. High
Margaret Washington
Strayer University
Prince George's Community College
3. How would you describe community and dedication?
Years ago we would not allow anyone to be put out of their homes, we did all we could to help each other if someone was in distress, to me that is what community is, watching out for your neighbor and friends, today everyone has his or her own little island that they live on and very few even know their neighbors, our children are especially vulnerable because they see how grownups act and they duplicate what they see, we must lead by example, we must get back to caring for each other. Community and dedication means that, caring and being there for one another. I became obsessed with helping those who needed me, with a special emphasis on seniors and children.
4. How did you develop such a drive to succeed and commitment to help others?
I realized at an early age, if it is to be, that it was up to me. As a survivor of domestic abuse, when God allowed me to live, there was nowhere to go but UP, so I dusted off my shoes and began walking, running and leaping to opportunities that came before me, and yes, we all have them lurking in our midst, some are disguised as problems, those are the ones I like best, I had three wonderful sons to raise and I could not just sit around and do nothing. During that time God blessed me with a wonderful man who ended up being my soul mate and life partner, we have been married 47 years now. I was given many opportunities and I took them, some were challenging others I challenged….. The drive came from my wanting to succeed, the will power to do came with much prayer and my personal relationship with God. Through prayer and perseverance I developed an enormous amount of strength to overcome any challenge that came before me. I also realized that god has put us all here for a purpose, and we are not here for ourselves, we are here for someone else and once you know that you are able to accomplish anything.
5. What projects are you currently working on?
I am in the process of developing a Foundation to help Seniors and Children, there is a great need for this, currently I work with many seniors and during my time on the Licensing and Regulatory Boards for the State of Maryland I developed a program to go out to Asst. Living homes and teach the residents about doctor patient care, I noticed many things that I felt needed to be in place and now that I have my mother and some other mommies that I care about living in these facilities I see there is a need for oversight in some of them, not all mind you just some. Our children also need extra care, they are our future, if we train them properly now and teach them to care for each other and to help each other bullying will cease and we will grow up a better society of young people, I often tell parents they watch what we do, not what we say.
6. How would you define your personal style of fashion?
My personal style of fashion is chic and sophisticated, less is more and enough, through my years of modeling and doing fashion shows it helped me realize how important your appearance is in your professional life. I grew up with a mother as a single parent, I have three sisters and a brother, my mother never had a lot of money, but somehow she managed to always look great and kept us in nice cloths, she taught me how to shop smart, that quality was the key to dressing well.
My mother always put emphasis on quality, and that one good stylish garment purchased in good taste would last a lifetime, that fads come and go, but style would be there forever. She said also that, how you dress and present yourself says something about how you will work, not all will agree, but I have found this to be true for me.
7. What is your opinion of how others present themselves in business and fashion?
I have found, to each is own, it depends on the type of work you do which will direct the dress and the fashion, if you are in an office setting, there is a style that must be represented, if you are in show business there is another style, so I feel each person must find the style that can best suit them and remember where you are when choosing your style. I remember I was doing a seminar for career women, one young lady said, she was upset because her employer never took her on conference as he did some others in her office, I asked her did she know why, she stated no she did not, she had come to the class in a pair of jeans and flip flops and began to explain, when we are in an environment that calls for a certain dress code, that maybe we need to rethink how we are dressed and if you want to succeed in yourworkplace that is the first place to start and the next is to learn all you can about your job and always go above and beyond the call. I am often embarrassed at how our young people look in public and some wonder why they can't get jobs.
I believe women should look like women and men should look like men, sometimes you can't tell the players without a score card.
8. What does the future hold for the
Hon. Dr. Cassandra Casey Lewis?
I wake up every morning with a song in my heart
God is so good, if things look dim the night before hold on, anew day is coming, Jesus died so that we might have life, some people take that for granted, Jesus death gave us an abundant life, not living it means He died in vain, I refuse to dishonor Him that way, so the future is what I make of it, He has said that I can do ALL things through HIM who has given me the strength and I STAY FIT, ENCOURAGED AND THANKFUL, for this life HE has given to me, a great husband, 3 plus one handsome sons, 4 great daughter-in-laws who are like my very own, 14 grand's, 7 great grand's, an awesome family and many friends, at 70 I feel 50, and all I can say is look out world, here I come ready or not, there is so much life to live and as long as God gives me the breath, with HIM I can do the rest. I am in the process of authoring several books….coming to a store near you…THE BEST IS YET TO COME……..
While teaching a leadership class, one lady ask me "If I could change one thing in my life, what would it be"
I had to stop for a moment, I wanted to be certain the answer I give her would be Understood, I explained to her NOTHING, she looked at me and repeated nothing, she stated, everyone would change something, I said not everyone, I told her I would not, because, everything that has happened in my life has taught me something, without the pain, I would not have the capacity to love and have compassion for others as I do, without the struggles, I would not know how to survive and know how to hear Gods voice when He tells me to turn here or go there, without the hurts, I would not be able to let others know that, this too shall pass and life does get better if you just keep getting up, so you see, all I have gone through has made me the person I am today and I like me and pray you will feel the same way….she smiled and said THANK YOU, that tells me a lot…….
And last but certainly not least, my fun time consist of reading, golfing, riding motorcycles, tried skydiving once, love it broke a leg, never went back again…hello, golf is my passion……