Interview Questions for Carla: 1. Where are you from? I am from a village named Tarata, it is located outside of the Cochabamba, Bolivia 2. Which schools have you attended? Ivana sanchez modeling academia, Edision High school , NOVA , NOVA, EMT school and soon ill start a medical program (still applying ) 3. At what time did you decide to pursue a career in modeling? Ever since i could learn to walk, the run way always called me. I've been modeling or doing pageants for as long as i can remember. Id always take breaks in between but i always need my fix of glamor. It became a permanent part of identity. I could never live without modeling, id go insane 4. How was your experience at your first photo-shoot at the Nelson Manor? It was different than most photoshoots, we had a lot of fun and were able to take the time to enjoy the hospitality and beautiful decor the hpuse to offer. It was so nice seeing all the amenities and the delicious snacks and finger foods they had , i will never forget those figs, im a huge fig person! I love Anca Designs, everything she makes is so comfortable, fits well to any body type and super adjustable! I had my son about a month before this shoot so i still had some baby weight on me. The way she makes her clothes is great because i was able to wear it then and now that om 15lbs lighter i still fit great in those same designs! 5. We have seen several great photos in the last 2 years, which ones are your favorites? Thank you! Oof thats a hard one, they're all my favorite! I love and appropriate every photo taken. a lot of work goes into every photo, from the photographer, the MUA, the stylist, deisgner...or whoever helped ... everyone puts something special into the photo, i could never pick! I do howecer do a lot pf shops so i get to see a lot of different techniques from photographers. I dont post very often in my model page on instagram but when i do i post , what i guess you could say are my favorite pictures! I love working with Stace Bernard, Kelly Schneider, Reggie Bell, PK studios , Barry freeman . I am blessed to have met so many wonderful photographers and seen everyone's amazing talent but those photographers really stand out to me and whenever i work with them i am always amazed. 6. Who are your top 3 models? Like role models ? Model friends? 7. How would you describe your individual style? Adaptable, i will wear anything , everything, ill pose with anything and everything. I enjoy having many styles. But i like to always keep it meaningful, elegant and of course a touch of sexy 8. Is there something special about being a great mom , wife, and squeezing in modeling gigs? What do you mean ? 9. What does the future hold for Carla and her world of fashion and style? My future is unwritten and like always i let God guide me wherever he may take me...but i hope to get into a great medical program so that i can be a bit closer to my goal of being a physician. I plan to continue to grow as much as i can within my modeling career and keep pushing in a creative sense. I also hope to keep learning and being able to create art that will inspire and bring happiness:)