John Wardell
~ Photographer ~
1, I'm from Ne DC, Question 2, I Attended Charles Young, Brown Jr. High School, And Phelps Career Center, 3, Gathered Interest when my Daughters were little, 4, My Philosophy on light, if you don't have it there's No Photography to be Done, so it's very Important trust me, 5, Yes, I love Fashion Shows, Portraits, Events, & Now Covering Local Protest Rallies these days, 6, Favorite Subjects are Covering my Daughter's and Grand Daughter's event's, Family is so Important to me. 7, Well, That's Difficult looking into the future, Well with God's Grace I Hope to be able to Travel the World as a Paid Photographer and Continuing to be and Amazing Story Teller, and Continue be a Humble Person in life. And kept being and Amazing Dad & Husband & Grandpa.
Interview Questions for Copa Style Magazine: 1. Where are you from? 2. What schools have you attended? 3. At what time did you gather an interest in the art of Photography? 4. What is your philosophy as it pertains to 'The art of Light. ' 5. Do you have a particular speciality? 6. Tell our readers about you favorite subjects. 7. What does the future hold for John Wardell and his wonderful world of Photography? Thanks!