Jennifer Wakefield
~ Mrs. Maryland International 2019 ~
~ Ambassador for Copa Style Magazine's Fashion/Lifestyle Black Tie Awards Gala ~

Copa: Where are you from?
Jennifer: I was born in Boston and adopted to Cheryl and Charles when I was 21 days of age. They moved our family to Union Springs, NY a very small town in upstate NY in the Fingerlakes. I had an amazing childhood growing up in the country on a small farm with a horse, goat, chickens and a cat and dog. Copa: Which schools have you attended?
Jennifer: I attended three schools in my life. Since I am a Seventh-day Adventist I attended Frontenac SDA Elementary from 1-8, Union Springs Academy on the shores of Lake Cayuga for high school and Andrews University in Southwest Michigan where I obtained my Bachelors of Science in Journalism/Mass Media. Copa: At what time did you discover the magic of pageant competition?
Jennifer: The first time I remember discovering pageantry is watching Miss Teen USA 1986 on t.v.! It intrigued me very much. When I was in college my roommate was Miss Michigan Teen USA…she gave me a couple of tips and I entered my first pageant at the age of 22 – Miss Berrien County (MI) I was in the top 12 overall and placed in the top 3 for platform – out of 30 or so contestants Copa: What was your first experience at your first competition, and where did it take place.
Jennifer: My very first pageant was during the summer between my Junior and Senior year in college. ..the summer of 1994. Lorri Reese was the director. It was Miss Berrien County. There were 35 or so contestants. It was held in an high school auditorium with no a.c.! It was four hours long!! It was a great experience! I met a lot of lovely ladies. The theme of the pageant was Lion King the Disney movie that was released at that time. I didn’t know the first thing about pageantry and I don’t even know if there were pageant shops then! I bought a gown with my mom from a department store, a suit from the same for interview and a swimsuit from Venus or the like. Later that summer Miss Illinois America won her state pageant in the same gown as mine!! The local Aveda hair salon was at the pageant to do hair and make up if we wanted to. Copa: What makes pageants special for you?
Jennifer: Pageantry is a lot more than a beautiful face!! For me it is working on myself mentally, physically and emotionally to become my best self. I take this very seriously and treat it like continuing education. When I last competed it was in the Mrs. category – this is a very competitive division. I bring 100% my best yet to date to every competition, coaching session and when I am honored to be asked to judge. As an eight year breast cancer survivor I am thrilled that with a title how many more people I can reach with my platform of Painting the world pink - to give ladies love, hope and support as they are on their breast cancer journey. I speak at charity events, donate care bags to ladies when they hear the news that they have breast cancer and this will continue with a title or without. Pageantry is also the chance to glam up, show the world all of my hard work at at 49!!! And that if you put your mind to anything you can achieve it!! |
Copa: How did it feel when you finally won the big title?
Jennifer: I competed for 25 years and tried 14 times to be crowned!! I did not start to place until after I was diagnosed with breast cancer! Breast cancer gave me a purpose and a cause to promote as I competed in pageantry. I competed 6 times in 3 years…I placed third runner up and Mrs. Photogenic in Mrs. Maryland International 2017, 2nd runner up to Mrs. Maryland United States 2018 AND then I was crowned Mrs. Maryland International 2019 (as you see I did not place in a few of them!) and went on to compete in Charleston, WV in July of 2019 at Mrs. International with about 60 ladies from around the world. It was an incredible experience that I will cherish for a lifetime!! I made about 40 appearances during my reign as Mrs. Maryland Intl. 2019. And most of them were for my platform and reaching ladies and supporting them as they were on their breast cancer journey!
Jennifer: I competed for 25 years and tried 14 times to be crowned!! I did not start to place until after I was diagnosed with breast cancer! Breast cancer gave me a purpose and a cause to promote as I competed in pageantry. I competed 6 times in 3 years…I placed third runner up and Mrs. Photogenic in Mrs. Maryland International 2017, 2nd runner up to Mrs. Maryland United States 2018 AND then I was crowned Mrs. Maryland International 2019 (as you see I did not place in a few of them!) and went on to compete in Charleston, WV in July of 2019 at Mrs. International with about 60 ladies from around the world. It was an incredible experience that I will cherish for a lifetime!! I made about 40 appearances during my reign as Mrs. Maryland Intl. 2019. And most of them were for my platform and reaching ladies and supporting them as they were on their breast cancer journey!
Copa:Please share some information about your volunteer work with our readers?
Jennifer: The year was 2012, I was 40 years old and going to several doctors for routine exams. As I went to my mammogram, I didn’t think much of it since it was routine preventive care. BUT not for me…my Dr. called me a few days later and told me that I had ductal carcinoma insitu! I had no idea what that was! Was it serious? Now what? My daughters were 8 and 12 at the time and I knew that whatever my dr.s told me to do I was on board and ready to tackle the cancer. After 5 surgeries during 3 years I am cancer free. At the same time by best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer as well. Sadly she past away in the summer of 2016. I had to decide what am I going to do with these emotions from my journey as well as my best friend passing away. That is when I developed my platform of painting the world pink, bringing love hope and support to ladies going through breast cancer now. I have partnered with the American Cancer Society coaching ladies as they go through treatment, spoken at charity events, been to fundraisers, been a celebrity judge for Hon contests, and as mentioned before I hand out bags with items to help ease the stress of hearing the news that you have breast cancer. I have received notes from ladies saying that these small bags have encouraged them to fight harder and they have received hope.
Jennifer: The year was 2012, I was 40 years old and going to several doctors for routine exams. As I went to my mammogram, I didn’t think much of it since it was routine preventive care. BUT not for me…my Dr. called me a few days later and told me that I had ductal carcinoma insitu! I had no idea what that was! Was it serious? Now what? My daughters were 8 and 12 at the time and I knew that whatever my dr.s told me to do I was on board and ready to tackle the cancer. After 5 surgeries during 3 years I am cancer free. At the same time by best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer as well. Sadly she past away in the summer of 2016. I had to decide what am I going to do with these emotions from my journey as well as my best friend passing away. That is when I developed my platform of painting the world pink, bringing love hope and support to ladies going through breast cancer now. I have partnered with the American Cancer Society coaching ladies as they go through treatment, spoken at charity events, been to fundraisers, been a celebrity judge for Hon contests, and as mentioned before I hand out bags with items to help ease the stress of hearing the news that you have breast cancer. I have received notes from ladies saying that these small bags have encouraged them to fight harder and they have received hope.
Copa: Can you state 3 different positive things you've learned from being involved with pageants?
Jennifer: Pageants make me become my best self yet – physical, mentally and emotionally. Being on stage in a bikini at 46 was a dream come true really. I worked hard and looked amazing! I got in shape at home on my own!! If I can do it anyone can!! Mentally you have to be able to think on your feet for the interview portion the judges want to make sure that you are the one to represent their organization when you are at appearances and the media or any person asks you questions you want to give intelligent, fun and to the point answers! Emotionally – like any area in life you need good support team behind you, this included for me my immediate family and friends. I have met many incredible ladies competing in pageantry. Some of them have become very close and dear friends! Backstage is chaos and my experience has been that pageant ladies are the kindest, strongest, most successful and well spoken out there. Giving back to the pageant industry I am honored when I am asked to judge – being on the other side of the table is a great time to see all of the contestants bring their best to the stage. |
Copa: What does the future hold for Jennifer and her world of beauty, style, and fashion?
Jennifer: I see myself evolving as I age from a trendy college student to a mom with little children with my head spinning to now a woman with a 18 and 21 year old single mom who is rocking the whole nine yards! For me I worry about today. I try to exercise most days and take my dog Cali who is a mini goldendoodle 10k to 12k steps a day in nature where I find my peace and that is where I feel closest to God. I try to eat right and get enough sleep. I go to my routine exams to make sure that I am healthy. I try to relax and not stress out too much and try to laugh every day. I know that by doing these things I will live a long, happy and healthy life while looking amazing for my age!
Jennifer: I see myself evolving as I age from a trendy college student to a mom with little children with my head spinning to now a woman with a 18 and 21 year old single mom who is rocking the whole nine yards! For me I worry about today. I try to exercise most days and take my dog Cali who is a mini goldendoodle 10k to 12k steps a day in nature where I find my peace and that is where I feel closest to God. I try to eat right and get enough sleep. I go to my routine exams to make sure that I am healthy. I try to relax and not stress out too much and try to laugh every day. I know that by doing these things I will live a long, happy and healthy life while looking amazing for my age!