WE Model USA Hosts
~ Jana Love Sedlokova & Lamont Easter ~
Jana Sedlokova
Copa: Where are you from?
Jana: I'm from the Czeck Republic Copa: At what time were you contacted to be one of the hosts for the WEModel USA 2022?
Jana: It was sometime in November of last year. It sounded like another very exciting fashion related event! Copa: How do you feel being chosen as a host this year?
Jana: I felt very honored and privileged to be a host for this year's event. I find this to be quite an interesting competition. |
Copa: This year's platform with be focusing again on Human Trafficking, what are your opinions and views on this serious subject?
Jana: Human Trafficking is one of the most horrible things I've ever heard of. I do know of some people who have experienced this. It's important that this situation should be brought to light. This is one of the reasons this needs to be acknowledged and defeated in every direction. This could happen in any neighborhood at any time. |
Copa: What advice would you give to other young men and women to avoid the evil of Human Trafficking?
Jana: Rodney, that's a very good question. I think of it this way, I have a 15-year-old son that's very handsome. As he was growing up he had a Grandmother that was here that dealt with society much better than I ever did. She always said "Don't talk to everyone." and "Don't get into a car with anyone." So he's grown up with very good advice. My advice would be the same, don't get entangled with someone who just sounds way too good. Just be strong and walk away. The most important part is that we must educate children to fend for themselves, speak up and think.
Jana: Rodney, that's a very good question. I think of it this way, I have a 15-year-old son that's very handsome. As he was growing up he had a Grandmother that was here that dealt with society much better than I ever did. She always said "Don't talk to everyone." and "Don't get into a car with anyone." So he's grown up with very good advice. My advice would be the same, don't get entangled with someone who just sounds way too good. Just be strong and walk away. The most important part is that we must educate children to fend for themselves, speak up and think.
Lamont Easter
Copa: You've hosted many events over the years. Will you be expecting something different at the MGM venue?
Lamont: Yes, this event at the incredible “Grand Ballroom of the fabulous “MGM Resort and Casino” will combine not only models, exquisite fashion, guest speakers, live musical entertainment, performances, silent & live auctions, but also a live “museum” of Sexual Trafficking vignettes, to heighten the awareness of those attending the event. So it’s an opportunity to bring the Fashion, Modeling, and Photography industry together to remind all , that this very industry is a prime target for “Sexual trafficking by predators,” with promises of Fashion, Modeling, or Photography work, only to find out, it was a trap by a “predator.” |
Copa: How do you feel about hosting the WEModel USA Fashion Competition?
Lamont: I’m thrilled and honored. It’ll be the 2nd time I have hosted this type of event with Patricia Watts! She is such a dedicated, determined, accomplished advocate for not only Fashion and the Model industry, but to bring awareness to all in her path, about the most prolific crime on the planet, “Human Sexual Trafficking,” which only comes in 2nd behind “Drug trafficking. |
Copa: What are your opinions and views on the unfortunate situation in our area and the nation on Human Trafficking as it relates to young women and men?
Lamont: Well, that it’s such a pervasive tragedy, as I just mentioned before. It’s taking place all around us in every neighborhood in America. America is the biggest consumer of Paid Sex on the planet. More importantly, is what can we all do about it, For starters, just being aware. During your daily personal or work routine, be aware. Especially at Big Events, like A-list concerts, Big Sporting events, etc,… Those types of events are when Traffickers bring their victims to town and book up local motel rooms to provide services to those consumers. If you see a young person, and something seems kinda of off, if you get the chance, ask them “is everything ok with you, do you need any help?” That right there is a start.