Karen Maria Alston
"The Winds of Change in Washington, DC 2017"
By Rodney Wayne Branche
Copa: Karen, what is the outlook for Washington, DC in 2017 with the incoming Trump Administration?
Karen: I would like to speak from a local viewpoint of Washington, DC, and the nation. A lot of people in the Obama Administration will start to transition out of the area if they haven't already. Slowly we will start to see more people moving in the area from other parts of the country. Due to policies and changes you'll see various experts move here concerned about and lobbying on many issues that are vital to the President Elect.
Copa: How do you see the difference policy of the new appointees of the President Elect?
Karen: Immediately we should be seeing a change in infrastructure, similar to what President Obama has made back in 2008. Remember that the President Elect is coming in with a Senate and Congress which will be supporting him. The first 100 days you will be seeing lots of legislation which will be bi-partisan that will receive good Congressional and Senatorial backing. Initially much focus will be on saving or resurrecting jobs in areas that have been experiencing massive job loss. Many research dollars will be headed to the Midwest, South and rural areas. Possibly you will see new ideas to bring in hi tech infrastructure money to spur the economy for the first 3 to 4 months with the hope of creating job growth.
Copa: Do you think that there actually will be substancial job growth in the areas that we discussed over a reasonable amount of time?
Karen: I think there will be tremendous change, but if we are talking about year 1 I believe the President Elect will put money into jobs to make things work. Also he will do his best to increase the middle class but many of the issues the he had campaigned on will not materialize in year 1. As far as years 2,3 and 4, that's a different conversation. He will work on rebuilding his coalition because the nation is now seriously divided.
Copa: Karen, what is your opinion of some of the announced Cabinet position appointments so far?
Karen: There was one thing that I was a little surprised about, the choice for the Secretary of Education, Elizabeth Betsy Devos who is is part of the family that owns Amway. She is also a strong supporter of Charter Schools, as you know we have many in Washington, DC. I'm keeping a sharp eye of the announcement for the Secretary of State. I am rooting for Mitt Romney, I believe he would be great for that position. I have a few friends who are on the transition team and one thing that surprises me is the fact that the transition team is reaching out to many types of people, Democrats, like Hillary Clinton supporters, and other experts armed with good knowledge to assist the new administration.
Copa: What is your opinion of the President Elect's Chief of Operations?
Karen: It looks like he has two people in mind Steve Bannon and Rience Priebus, the situation is still in developing stages. Rience is a popular Washington insider and knows this town, he understands Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Steve Bannon is not considered to be an insider and not actually and not really part of the 'political machine.' It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future.
Copa: Let's talk about the intelligence community and how things will change?
Karen: President Elect Trump is a fan of Generals. As we know, he was a fan of General McCarthy, also he has been recruiting many military people who have some experience within the intelligence community. One could argue how they feel about their positions, policies and certain statements that have been made in the past. I've noticed this when it comes to his intelligence community choices. Another person I was excited about was Nikki Haley receiving the appointment of United Nations Ambassador. I personally think she will be great in that position.
Copa: How about some individuals who will be retained or appointed as financial advisors?
Karen: That's part of my answer to 'who's coming to Washington.’ Many people believe that Dodd Frank is going to be replaced. We'll see if that happens or a fight comes up on Congress. As I have shared with my friends, this is a town based on the 'traditions of Washington.' There will be lobbyists who will fight for Dodd Frank and there will be other who'll arrive that will attempt to dismantle him. In the past few weeks we have seen some amazing fluctuations in the stock market that many on Wall Street are naming the 'Trump Bounce.' This is because the financial markets and banks are excited because they believe the Trump Administration will be 'pro banking.' I will be interesting to see what will happen with consumer protection and the Consumer Financial Safety Board. I assume that any big changes will not occur in year 1.
Copa: Karen, let's make a shift here and take a look at the international scene. How will the new Trump Administration deal with Russia and China?
Karen: That's a tough one; I don't think anyone knows at this point. I think what President Elect Trump is dealing with from the campaign are theories and thoughts that are swirling about. When you are the President and receiving daily intelligence briefings that keep you updated on what's happening in the world, your thought process have a tendency to change.
Copa: President Elect Trump has some ongoing business dealings with several countries abroad, how do you think this will affect his position as President?
Karen: We're in 'unchartered territory.' We've never had a President who has been this wealthy and has had numerous international assets. Many things will have to be changed based on who he and what the American Constitution dictates. Various changed will have to be made. What he and his family and the rest of this country will receive will be a lesson on nepotism and what you can and cannot do. Many areas would come into the realm of 'conflicts of interest' as President of the United States. For instance he won't be able to book foreign nationals in suites of the Trump Hotel in Washington.
Copa: What do think would be the easiest solution for President Elect Trump to avoid any perceptions of 'improprieties?'
Karen: Changes are now being made to place most of his assets in a blind trust, it's the only way he can become President and not have that suspicion of financially benefitting from his position of Chief Executive of the United States of America. As pressure builds up on this subject he will either have to sell off his assets to his children or completely place his company into a blind trust.
Copa: Many say that the country has improved financially since the Bush Administration since President Obama saved the banks and our automotive industry from buckling during the bad Recession of 2008, that's a tough act to follow. In your opinion, how will President Elect Trump improve on that performance?
Karen: I don't know but many people are betting on his business acumen, some can question that but he has acquired more wealth that most people I know in my life. Others believe he will run the country as if it was a corporation. The other day, my Uber driver who was and African American male shared with me the fact that he was excited of the possibility that Trump would be bringing many jobs back. Presently, there are a lots of people who are waiting to see if a year from now unemployment will become even lower, and the availability of better jobs will increase with higher wages.
Copa: How do you think small businesses will fare under the Trump Administration?
Karen: I'm hoping that they will be pro small business, especially when it comes to acquiring better access to capital and government contracting. It will be interesting see this because each President has a different view in how they approach small business. I'm very interest in who will be appointed to head the Small Business Administration. Whatever happens, it will take at least a year to see how things will solidify.
Karen: I would like to speak from a local viewpoint of Washington, DC, and the nation. A lot of people in the Obama Administration will start to transition out of the area if they haven't already. Slowly we will start to see more people moving in the area from other parts of the country. Due to policies and changes you'll see various experts move here concerned about and lobbying on many issues that are vital to the President Elect.
Copa: How do you see the difference policy of the new appointees of the President Elect?
Karen: Immediately we should be seeing a change in infrastructure, similar to what President Obama has made back in 2008. Remember that the President Elect is coming in with a Senate and Congress which will be supporting him. The first 100 days you will be seeing lots of legislation which will be bi-partisan that will receive good Congressional and Senatorial backing. Initially much focus will be on saving or resurrecting jobs in areas that have been experiencing massive job loss. Many research dollars will be headed to the Midwest, South and rural areas. Possibly you will see new ideas to bring in hi tech infrastructure money to spur the economy for the first 3 to 4 months with the hope of creating job growth.
Copa: Do you think that there actually will be substancial job growth in the areas that we discussed over a reasonable amount of time?
Karen: I think there will be tremendous change, but if we are talking about year 1 I believe the President Elect will put money into jobs to make things work. Also he will do his best to increase the middle class but many of the issues the he had campaigned on will not materialize in year 1. As far as years 2,3 and 4, that's a different conversation. He will work on rebuilding his coalition because the nation is now seriously divided.
Copa: Karen, what is your opinion of some of the announced Cabinet position appointments so far?
Karen: There was one thing that I was a little surprised about, the choice for the Secretary of Education, Elizabeth Betsy Devos who is is part of the family that owns Amway. She is also a strong supporter of Charter Schools, as you know we have many in Washington, DC. I'm keeping a sharp eye of the announcement for the Secretary of State. I am rooting for Mitt Romney, I believe he would be great for that position. I have a few friends who are on the transition team and one thing that surprises me is the fact that the transition team is reaching out to many types of people, Democrats, like Hillary Clinton supporters, and other experts armed with good knowledge to assist the new administration.
Copa: What is your opinion of the President Elect's Chief of Operations?
Karen: It looks like he has two people in mind Steve Bannon and Rience Priebus, the situation is still in developing stages. Rience is a popular Washington insider and knows this town, he understands Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Steve Bannon is not considered to be an insider and not actually and not really part of the 'political machine.' It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the future.
Copa: Let's talk about the intelligence community and how things will change?
Karen: President Elect Trump is a fan of Generals. As we know, he was a fan of General McCarthy, also he has been recruiting many military people who have some experience within the intelligence community. One could argue how they feel about their positions, policies and certain statements that have been made in the past. I've noticed this when it comes to his intelligence community choices. Another person I was excited about was Nikki Haley receiving the appointment of United Nations Ambassador. I personally think she will be great in that position.
Copa: How about some individuals who will be retained or appointed as financial advisors?
Karen: That's part of my answer to 'who's coming to Washington.’ Many people believe that Dodd Frank is going to be replaced. We'll see if that happens or a fight comes up on Congress. As I have shared with my friends, this is a town based on the 'traditions of Washington.' There will be lobbyists who will fight for Dodd Frank and there will be other who'll arrive that will attempt to dismantle him. In the past few weeks we have seen some amazing fluctuations in the stock market that many on Wall Street are naming the 'Trump Bounce.' This is because the financial markets and banks are excited because they believe the Trump Administration will be 'pro banking.' I will be interesting to see what will happen with consumer protection and the Consumer Financial Safety Board. I assume that any big changes will not occur in year 1.
Copa: Karen, let's make a shift here and take a look at the international scene. How will the new Trump Administration deal with Russia and China?
Karen: That's a tough one; I don't think anyone knows at this point. I think what President Elect Trump is dealing with from the campaign are theories and thoughts that are swirling about. When you are the President and receiving daily intelligence briefings that keep you updated on what's happening in the world, your thought process have a tendency to change.
Copa: President Elect Trump has some ongoing business dealings with several countries abroad, how do you think this will affect his position as President?
Karen: We're in 'unchartered territory.' We've never had a President who has been this wealthy and has had numerous international assets. Many things will have to be changed based on who he and what the American Constitution dictates. Various changed will have to be made. What he and his family and the rest of this country will receive will be a lesson on nepotism and what you can and cannot do. Many areas would come into the realm of 'conflicts of interest' as President of the United States. For instance he won't be able to book foreign nationals in suites of the Trump Hotel in Washington.
Copa: What do think would be the easiest solution for President Elect Trump to avoid any perceptions of 'improprieties?'
Karen: Changes are now being made to place most of his assets in a blind trust, it's the only way he can become President and not have that suspicion of financially benefitting from his position of Chief Executive of the United States of America. As pressure builds up on this subject he will either have to sell off his assets to his children or completely place his company into a blind trust.
Copa: Many say that the country has improved financially since the Bush Administration since President Obama saved the banks and our automotive industry from buckling during the bad Recession of 2008, that's a tough act to follow. In your opinion, how will President Elect Trump improve on that performance?
Karen: I don't know but many people are betting on his business acumen, some can question that but he has acquired more wealth that most people I know in my life. Others believe he will run the country as if it was a corporation. The other day, my Uber driver who was and African American male shared with me the fact that he was excited of the possibility that Trump would be bringing many jobs back. Presently, there are a lots of people who are waiting to see if a year from now unemployment will become even lower, and the availability of better jobs will increase with higher wages.
Copa: How do you think small businesses will fare under the Trump Administration?
Karen: I'm hoping that they will be pro small business, especially when it comes to acquiring better access to capital and government contracting. It will be interesting see this because each President has a different view in how they approach small business. I'm very interest in who will be appointed to head the Small Business Administration. Whatever happens, it will take at least a year to see how things will solidify.
Follow this link for the latest Trump Administration Appointees: