Janelle Johnson
"What is Your Intention?"
As we begin 2019, many people have already made their New Year’s resolutions or written the goals they hope to accomplish this year. There is nothing wrong with having New Year’s resolutions or having yearly goals; however, as you make your New Year’s resolutions or write your goals,ask yourself important questions like: What is my intention? Why do I want to accomplish this goal or realize this resolution? Your intention is critical to the success of your goals.Intention is the intrinsic motivation that governs why you do what you do. Before you do anything that is important to you, be clear about your intention. Literally ask yourself, "What is my intention?”
I believe that out of the abundance of your actions, your intention speaks. Furthermore, you reap what you sow. The results of your intention, whether pure or impure, will come back to you. Often, our intent and our impact are two different things. Meaning, our intention may be one thing, but the impact of our intention may be something different. I believe our Creator judges us by the intent of our heart, but people judge us by our actions. This means, that there will be times when we will be misunderstood. However, I believe behavioral patterns tell people who we really are more than one-time occurrences. Your intentions will ultimately influence your behavior. It will demonstrate to people in your sphere of influence and to those watching from afar, who you really are. What does your intention say about you?
As you begin 2019, make a concerted effort to be mindful of your behavior in stressful or crisis situations. Do not let the stress of the crisis influence your intention toward the negative. Before you act, ask yourself, “What is my intention?”
Best wishes to you as you intentionally have a successful 2019.
In the name of Faith and Fashion – Love God, Serve Humanity and Do it all in Style.
Rev. Janelle Johnson