Tershia Razzaq
~ Model ~
Copa: Where are you from?
Tershia: I'm from the beautiful city of Annapolis, Maryland. Copa: Which schools have you attended?
Tershia: The Art Institute of Pittsburgh for Graphic Design and Entity University for Data Science. Copa: At what time did you discover your love for fashion?
Tershia: I discovered my love for fashion in my mid thirties when I was a competitive ballroom dancer. Copa: Who are your favorite 3 professional models of all time and why?
Tershia: Naomi Campbell because of the barriers she broke as a black model. Chrissy Tiegan because of how outspoken she is and how fierce she is in what she believes and Ashley Graham because of the work she's done for the body positivity movement. |
Copa: What type of chemistry do you seek in a great photographer?
Tershia: I always do my best to give more than a photographer asks during a shoot. Anyone who can build on what I bring and offer direction during a shoot is much appreciated.
Tershia: I always do my best to give more than a photographer asks during a shoot. Anyone who can build on what I bring and offer direction during a shoot is much appreciated.
Copa: What is your opinion of contemporary style today?
Tershia: The future for me is undetermined. Though I love being in the fashion industry, I don't have a set plan. I take things one shot at a time and see where it brings me. |
Copa: When was your first fashion show and how did you like the experience?
Tershia: My first fashion show experience was not too great. However, The fashion show was very disorganized and filled with quite a few inexperienced models including myself. Though in the end, the show went well, it kept me from walking in another show for a few years. Copa: How would you describe your personal style?
Tershia: My personal style is a little different than most. It changes depending on my mood and how I feel like expressing myself that day. I can go from jeans and a nice shirt to glam for a night on the town. The only consistency is heels. I absolutely love heels and wear them with every outfit. |